Sound EHSSQ Practices
Oando is committed to maintaining the highest Environment, Health, Safety, Security & Quality (EHSSQ) standards across its entities and partners.
We focus on injury prevention and the protection of all employees and sub-contractors from occupational hazards in the execution of their responsibilities.
Through a systematic implementation of our Environmental Health and Safety Management System, we ensure that our operations within our host communities are safe, environmentally friendly, socially responsible, and efficiency-driven.
The Environment, Health & Safety Management
System (EHSMS)
The EHS MS has been developed to be consistent with existing models for health, safety and environmental management (e.g. MOSR 1987, HSG 65, OHSAS18001 and IS014001) as well as the International Oil and Gas Producers industry guidelines (IOGP).
Safety record
World Class Health & Safety Standards
In keeping with our number one value of putting people first, the safety of our employees is our number one priority and in this regard we have adopted global safety standards on all our sites such that we have.
Man hours without Lost Time Injury (LTI) across
the entire Group.
No recorded work-related fatality in the last 7years